AI & Data fuelled operational excellence for enterprise
Monday, May 11, 2020
10:00 am
Modern Enterprise is a complex, often siloed ecosystem with cross departmental dependencies. AI and advanced analytics is recently making an impact across industries and various job functions from product development, through manufacturing, supply chain to sales and marketing. This talk will be divided into two main parts. Marcin will start with two real life case studies demonstrating in detail how modern predictive analytics methods can be applied to product creations (Yes, AI can automate some of the hard parts of the product creation in many industries, e.g. pharma or chemicals) and to manufacturing optimisation. In the case of manufacturing production line optimization he will show what methodology was applied to help a Swiss chemical producer achieve 8-15% OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) improvements by leveraging advanced analytics and data science. In the second part, based on extensive Unit8 experience in the industry Marcin will take a step back and summarise key learnings and best practises that lead to AI & Analytics projects delivery with positive ROI in Industry 4.0 sector.